TP Data Table
File Name DataFileID Date Data Type JobID HoleID Area LocationID Elevation (feet) RigID Pile Type Pile Code PileStatus Pile OD (inch) Total Depth (feet) Tip elevation (feet) maxStroke overBreak Drill time (min) Total time (min) Comments Y_Northing (feet) X_Easting (feet) Latitude Longitude DRILL PLOT CPT PLOT cpt tablelink dwp tablelink Zoom to Location
File Name | DataFileID | Date | Data Type | JobID | HoleID | Area | LocationID | Elevation (feet) | RigID | Pile Type | Pile Code | PileStatus | Pile OD (inch) | Total Depth (feet) | Tip elevation (feet) | maxStroke | overBreak | Drill time (min) | Total time (min) | Comments | Y_Northing (feet) | X_Easting (feet) | Latitude | Longitude | DRILL PLOT | CPT PLOT | cpt tablelink | dwp tablelink | Zoom to Location |
LT Data Table
File Name DataFileID Date Data Type TestType productCode Pile Type HoleID Area LocationID TestPileID Elevation (feet) Pile_Length (feet) Tip elevation (feet) Pile_Diameter (inch) Design_Load (tonf) Ultimate_Load (tonf) Max_Load (tonf) Rated_Load (tonf) Delta_DL (inch) Delta_Max (inch) Y_Northing (feet) X_Easting (feet) Latitude Longitude cpt tablelink dwp tablelink Zoom to Location
File Name | DataFileID | Date | Data Type | TestType | productCode | Pile Type | HoleID | Area | LocationID | TestPileID | Elevation (feet) | Pile_Length (feet) | Tip elevation (feet) | Pile_Diameter (inch) | Design_Load (tonf) | Ultimate_Load (tonf) | Max_Load (tonf) | Rated_Load (tonf) | Delta_DL (inch) | Delta_Max (inch) | Y_Northing (feet) | X_Easting (feet) | Latitude | Longitude | cpt tablelink | dwp tablelink | Zoom to Location |
CPT Data Table
LocationID Date Elevation (feet) Total Depth (feet) Tip elevation (ft) Latitude Longitude Y_Northing (feet) X_Easting (feet) File Name Data Type HoleID Area RigID P160 Comments PLOT:CPT PLOT:DWP DataFileID cpt tablelink dwp tablelink Zoom to Location Color
LocationID | Date | Elevation (feet) | Total Depth (feet) | Tip elevation (ft) | Latitude | Longitude | Y_Northing (feet) | X_Easting (feet) | File Name | Data Type | HoleID | Area | RigID | P160 | Comments | PLOT:CPT | PLOT:DWP | DataFileID | cpt tablelink | dwp tablelink | Zoom to Location | Color |
BS Data Table
Name LABEL Area Date GRU Location Data Type Elevation (ft) Depth (ft) Tip_Elevation Northing Easting Latitude Longitude CPT_PLOT DWP_PLOT cpt tablelink dwp tablelink zoom to location
Name | LABEL | Area | Date | GRU Location | Data Type | Elevation (ft) | Depth (ft) | Tip_Elevation | Northing | Easting | Latitude | Longitude | CPT_PLOT | DWP_PLOT | cpt tablelink | dwp tablelink | zoom to location |
PP Data Table
File Name DataFileID Date Data Type JobID HoleID Area LocationID Elevation (feet) RigID Pile Type Pile Code PileStatus Pile OD (inch) Total Depth (feet) Tip elevation (ft) maxStroke overBreak Drill time (min) Total time (min) Comments Y_Northing (feet) X_Easting (feet) Latitude Longitude cpt tablelink Zoom to Location
File Name | DataFileID | Date | Data Type | JobID | HoleID | Area | LocationID | Elevation (feet) | RigID | Pile Type | Pile Code | PileStatus | Pile OD (inch) | Total Depth (feet) | Tip elevation (ft) | maxStroke | overBreak | Drill time (min) | Total time (min) | Comments | Y_Northing (feet) | X_Easting (feet) | Latitude | Longitude | cpt tablelink | Zoom to Location |